Process Management (BPM)

Process management (BPM)

Process management is an essential activity for the success of digital transformations. You have to systematize before you automate. Eficio consultants can help you optimize and automate your business processes.

The areas of process management can be represented by this diagram:


Process Management (BPM)

Our process management offer is divided into 4 services

1) Architecture de processus

1. Process Architecture

A business process architecture (BPA) is the main artifact of process management and improvement. If you don’t have a process architecture, you’re not doing process management. If you don’t have a documented and agreed-upon understanding of the relationships and interdependencies between your key business processes, you can’t be sure of truly effective process improvement. Cross-functional business processes (“Value Stream”) are the only way an organization can deliver value (products or services) to customers and other stakeholders outside the organization. A process architecture is more than an image or a model, business process architecture is an aid to strategic and operational management in an organization focused on continuous improvement and the delivery of an excellent service.

2. BPM Roadmap

Today’s hypercompetitive and dynamic business environment forces organizations to adopt new technologies to improve the efficiency of existing processes. The business must create the structural capabilities necessary to maintain its competitive advantage and execute innovative ideas.
The BPM roadmap is a process for analyzing the performance of your business processes which aims to identify the most promising improvement and automation initiatives. A critical aspect of the process optimization and automation strategy will be selling the benefits, gaining buy-in, and gaining approval for implementation.
If carefully crafted, the BPM roadmap will put in place key components of BPM that support strategic/operational directions and frame transformation initiatives. This way, leaders will be able to get quick payoffs and use those payoffs to continue justifying the current road to the process management vision.

_Feuille de route
Documentation et optimisation de processus

3. Documentation and process optimization

We help small and medium-sized businesses bring order to messy and inefficient business processes. We do this with a simple, jargon-free approach that makes it easy for your team to manage changes to ways of doing things.
No process documentation? Scattered, incomplete, outdated, largely ignored process documentation? We transform the informal knowledge of employees and into a process map.
Getting a process on your conference room wall is awesome. But now you need a way to communicate it. Word documents in binders provide little value. We can set up your secure, unique, process-specific web-based process repository.
Only once current processes are mapped can we begin to improve them. We will guide your team to solve their efficiency problems using an effective and jargon-free methodology. We involve your employees in coaching mode to avoid resistance to change.

4. Process automation

Once business processes are optimized, it is easier to identify which processes are candidates for automation: are there

    • A lot of manual effort?
    • Complex business rules that can generate human error?
    • Data transcripts?

Process automation helps improve the business process and brings consistency in its uses and performance. A BPMS platform can help you automate without (or little) code in addition to monitoring and measuring your processes. Eficio can help you specify your needs, identify the BPMS platform that meets your needs and manage your process automation projects. 

Gestion de processus

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