Augmented reality in the manufacturing sector: A double-edged revolution

Augmented reality in the manufacturing sector: A double-edged revolution

Augmented reality in the manufacturing sector: A double-edged revolution

The advent of augmented reality (AR) is set to radically transform the manufacturing sector, an area where precision, efficiency, and safety are paramount. By overlaying digital information onto the real world, AR promises significant improvements in productivity and quality, while enhancing operator safety. However, the integration of this technology raises questions regarding its adoption by workers, fueling the debate between technological benefits and human challenges. In the context of this digital transformation, harmonizing human aspects, processes, and technologies is essential.

Jean philippe coté
Jean-Philippe Côté
CIO - Eficio

The Promises of Augmented Reality

AR offers numerous advantages, particularly in knowledge transfer, attracting and retaining the workforce. It also stands out for its direct impact on manufacturing execution:

Productivity improvement: AR guides operators through real-time visual instructions, minimizing errors and speeding up execution. It optimizes assembly procedures and machine use, while improving ergonomics and workstation organization. Its ability to revolutionize training and simulation accelerates learning and adaptation to new equipment or procedures.

Quality, precision, and traceability: Overlaying models and specifications onto real objects helps identify discrepancies, while facilitating documentation of steps to meet traceability requirements.

Safety and ergonomics: By providing contextual safety information, AR helps reduce accident risks and rethink workstation ergonomics for operator well-being.

Risks Associated with AR Adoption

The integration of AR comes with its share of challenges, especially regarding human adaptation. Adopting advanced technologies requires specific training and cultural acceptance from employees. The risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders is amplified by prolonged use of poorly adjusted equipment, while information overload can distract and increase the risk of errors. Poorly designed implementation could result in a loss of resources, undermining the expected efficiency of AR.

The success of AR implementation relies on a holistic project approach, going beyond technology acquisition to include human integration and organizational processes. It is essential to develop structured processes that facilitate AR adoption and ensure its effective integration. The use of immersive simulations, optimization of procedures in AR, and the integration of a personalized learning management system customize the training path and align acquired skills with company needs.

By placing humans at the center of the project approach, guiding change thoughtfully, and structuring processes around AR, companies can maximize the benefits of this technology while reducing implementation failure risks.

That being said, it is wise to seek out experts for this type of project. They will ensure that user training is perfectly tailored to their needs. They will also ensure that knowledge is effectively captured, translated into educational content, and implemented, according to their methodology, a learning system allowing managers to track learning progress within their organization.

These experts also possess the necessary experience to accurately assess the organization’s IT maturity before beginning the adoption of AR. As with any technological innovation, it is not advisable to rush through the steps and immediately adopt the most advanced technology without a pre-existing organizational technological culture or maturity. It is crucial to place humans at the center of the adoption process and to avoid disrupting their habits too abruptly. Someone who has never truly used a computer could feel intimidated by an AR headset.


In conclusion, augmented reality (AR) represents a major technological advancement with the potential to reinvent the manufacturing sector. By its ability to improve productivity, quality, and safety, it emerges as a vector of significant change. However, its successful integration is conditioned by a balanced approach that takes into account human, technological, and procedural aspects. The challenges associated with AR adoption, particularly in terms of human adaptation and ergonomics, highlight the importance of a methodical and well-structured approach. The call for experts proves to be not only wise but also indispensable to ensure that the transition to AR is smooth and efficient, aligning operational needs with technological capabilities and organizational culture. By placing humans at the heart of this transformation and proceeding with thoughtful steps, companies can not only minimize risks but also maximize the benefits of AR, paving the way for a new era of innovation in the manufacturing sector.

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